Septic Inspections

Allegiant Home Inspections Offers Septic Inspections in Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown and all of the Lehigh Valley. On-site waste management system inspections and hydraulic load tests are performed to PSMA standards. 

Septic Inspection Tank Fail

Don't Let This Happen to You


While being funny, this comic is not far from the truth.  Some problems with a septic system can be very easy to spot.  Other problem are much more subtle and take a trained  eye to uncover.  A septic system is the most expensive single component on any property.  If it fails it can cost as much as $15,000 to $30,000 or more to replace.  Dropping a dye tablet into a toilet or holding tank, running some water and seeing if the dye shows up anywhere is not a proper inspection.   Allegiant Home Inspections has a certified PSMA Inspector on staff (Not a subcontractor).  They are trained and experienced with all types of Septic Systems.  From the  modern filtration systems to 19th century cesspools. 


Our septic inspections and packages start at $300. You can see our prices or call (610) 450-4240 for more information.


100 Year Old Cesspool

100 Year Old Cesspool in the Lehigh Valley.  Still working as well today as it did in 1895.

We will make sure that the fixtures are confirmed to flow into the septic tank, that the tank is opened and thoroughly inspected, that the drainage field is located and the aggregate is probed to find out its condition.

How a Septic System Works

It is normally the sellers responsibility to pay for the uncovering of the lids and then the pumping of the septic tank.   Once this is done we need to return to inspect the empty tank.  This is necessary to ensure the integrity of the tank walls with a visual inspection.  Our Septic Inspection includes this important final step at no additional charge.

Hydraulic Load Test

If the septic inspection results in the need for more investigation or by PA law if the house has been vacant for more than 7 days a hydraulic load test is required.  If scheduled at the time of the septic inspection you will receive a discount  on this important service.  The test will take a minimum of 48 hours and ensures that the absorption area is working properly.        



We service Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and all of the Lehigh Valley along with Pocono and Monroe counties, along with Quakertown and Northern Bucks County! 

Call now to book an inspection, get a quote, or see if an inspection is right for you

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